Friday, January 25, 2008

Press! and

Sunday January 20th 2008, I was featured in the Craft section of my local newspaper the Grand Rapids Press. You can access the article HERE.

Jennifer of the AWESOME site also recorded the interview. You can also get a hold of my fortune cookie pattern and instructions if you are feeling a little crafty. also links to this pattern HERE :)

Press! Mothering Magazine November 2007

Mothering Magazine lists Lilly Bean Market's Ravioli set in it's list of "Best Natural Toys of 2007"!!!

Okay...the picture is really small (the set is in the oven on the left). Below is a picture of the set in it's entirety.

Press! Oct 2007

Cookie Magazine website October 2007 Lilly Bean created the Icecream cones in this wonderful slide show of fabulous play food!

Below is a picture of our icecream cones currently for sale!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Lilly Bean....take two!

After experiencing a few problems with the sites functions, we went into action. We hired a new web development company to fix our errors and clean up the site. In a few days the site will be fully operational! Until then, feel free to browse around our menu and see if anything looks good. You are welcome to order via email :)